Welcome to the Barth Lab!

Research in the Barth lab is focused on understanding how experience assembles and alters the properties of neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, in both normal and disease states.


Recent Lab News

May 2024 – Joanne Steinmiller retires after 14 years as lab manager in the Barth Lab

May 2024 – Alison elected as a AAAS fellow

April 2024 – Mo Zhu’s paper accepted as the cover article at Learning and Memory

April 2024 – Rachel Swindell decides to attend Tufts University for a Ph.D. in neuroscience
March 2024 – Joe Christian’s abstract is accepted to the Synaptic Transmission GRS and GRC in Tuscany, Italy
March 2024 – Rachel Bouchard returns to CMU as a lab manager in the Barth and Gittis labs