FAPpost Labeling of Synapses in Neocortical Neurons
Somatostatin Neuron Example
Immunohistochemically Labeled Neuromodulators
Acetylcholine Fibers Across The Brain
Serotonin Fibers Across The Brain
Norepinephrine Fibers Across The Brain
Cre Driver Full Brain Imaging
This is our in-house atlas of the cre driver lines we use. Endogenous eYFP fluorescence of 50 um brain sections of Ai3 animals crossed to somatostatin-, parvalbumin-, 5Htr3a-, and vasoactive intestinal peptide-cre (SS-cre, PV-cre, 5Ht-cre, VIP-cre) animals were imaged at 4x (NA=0.28), stitched with Fiji/ImageJ, and aligned with Adobe Photoshop. All animals were perfused with 4% PFA with picric acid.
We also have an in-house atlas of GIN. GFP signal was enhanced by anti-GFP frozen section immunohistochemistry.
Synapse Detection
Matlab scripts that use SVM to detect EPTA-stained synapses in electron microscopy images is available on Github. This is the custom analysis software used in Chandrasekaran S, Navlakha S, Audette NJ, McCreary DD, Suhan J, Bar-Joseph Z, and Barth AL. Unbiased, high-throughput electron microscopy analysis of experience-dependent synaptic changes in the neocortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 16 Dec 2015, 35(50):16450-16462.