Matt Geramita

Matt Geramita, MD PhD, is a David Kupfer Research Fellow and psychiatry resident at the University of Pittsburgh where he is jointly mentored by Eric Yttri, PhD and Susanne Ahmari, MD PhD. Matt’s interests in psychiatry and computational neuroscience grew out of a fascination with the physics of biological systems. He majored in physics at the University of Michigan and was then introduced to neuroscience at the NIH, where he used neuroimaging to study neural networks in schizophrenia. He then took a slight detour away from psychiatry during his PhD, using in vitro electrophysiology and computer modeling to understand the neural coding responsible for smell.

Now Matt is focused on dissecting the neural circuits of avoidance. To do this, he is using in vivo electrophysiology and computer modeling to determine the extent to which the neural circuits of avoidance overlap with the circuits underlying reward seeking in value-based decision making tasks.

Please see Matt’s Google Scholar page for his work.