
Blundon MA, Schlesinger DR, Parthasarathy A, Smith SL, Kolev HM, Vinson DA, Kunttas-Tatli E, McCartney BM, Minden JS. Proteomic analysis reveals APC-dependent post translational modifications and identifies a novel regulator of β-catenin. Development. 2016 Jun 10. pii: dev.130567.
PubMed Entry

Ganesan V, Ascherman DP, Minden JS. Immunoproteomics technologies in the discovery of autoantigens in autoimmune diseases. Biomol Concepts. 2016 May 1;7(2):133-143.
PubMed Entry

Ganesan V, Schmidt B, Avula R, Cooke D, Maggiacomo T, Tellin L, Ascherman DP, Marcel BP, Minden JS. Immuno-proteomics: Development of a novel reagent for separating antibodies from their target proteins. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2015; 1854(6):592-600.
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Van PT, Ganesan V, Bass V, Parthasarathy A, Schlesinger D, Minden JS. In-gel equilibration for improved protein retention in 2DE-based proteomic workflows. Electrophoresis. 2014 Jul 17
PubMed Entry

Van PT, Bass V, Shiwarski D, Lanni F, Minden J. High dynamic range proteome imaging with the Structured Illumination Gel Imager. Electrophoresis. 2014 Jun 17.
PubMed Entry

Iheagwara UK, Beatty PL, Van PT, Ross TM, Minden JS, Finn OJ. Influenza virus infection elicits protective antibodies and T cells specific for host cell antigens also expressed as tumor-associated antigens: a new view of cancer immunosurveillance. Cancer Immunol Res. 2014 Mar;2(3):263-73.
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Krajcovic MM, Minden JS. Assessing the critical period for Rho kinase activity during Drosophila ventral furrow formation. Dev Dyn. 2012 Sep 12.
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Minden JS. DIGE: Past and Future. Methods Mol Biol. 2012;854:3-8.
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Fishilevich, E., Fitzpatrick J.A.J. and Minden. J.S. (2010) pHMA, a pH sensitive GFP reporter for cell engulfment in Drosophila embryos, tissues and cells. Dev. Dyn. 238, 559-73.
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Monzo, K., Dowd, S.R., Minden, J.S., and Sisson, J.S. (2010) Proteomic analysis reveals CCT is a target of Fragile X mental retardation protein regulation in Drosophila. Dev. Biol. 16, 2891-902.
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Minden, J.S., Dowd, S.R., Meyer, H.E. and Stühler, K. (2009) Difference Gel Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 30, S156-S161.
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Puri M, Goyal A, Senutovich N, Dowd SR, Minden JS. (2008) Building proteomic pathways using Drosophila ventral furrow formation as a model. Mol Biosyst 1:1126-35. Epub 2008 Sep 26.
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Witzberger MM, Fitzpatrick JA, Crowley JC, Minden JS. (2008) End-on imaging: A new perspective on dorsoventral development in Drosophila embryos. Dev Dyn 237(11):3252-3259. [Epub ahead of print]
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Minden JS. (2008) Dissection of the embryonic brain using photoactivated gene expression. Adv Exp Med Biol 628:57-68.
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Minden JS. (2007) Comparative proteomics and difference gel electrophoresis. Biotechniques 43(6):739, 741, 743 passim.
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Boyce M, Py BF, Ryazanov AG, Minden JS, Long K, Ma D, Yuan J. A pharmacoproteomic approach implicates eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase in ER stress-induced cell death. Cell Death Differ 15(3):589-99. Epub 2008 Jan 11.
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Sellers KF, Miecznikowski J, Viswanathan S, Minden JS, Eddy WF. (2007) Lights, Camera, Action! — Systematic Variation in 2-D Difference Gel Electrophoresis Images. Electrophoresis 18:3324-32.
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Minden, J. S. (2006) Dissection of the embryonic brain using photoactivated gene expression. In Brain Development in Drosophila(G. Technau. Ed.).

Viswanathan, S., Ünlü, M. and Minden, J.S. (2006) Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis. Nat. Protocols 1:1351-1358.
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Nakahara K, Kim K, Sciulli C, Dowd SR, Minden JS, Carthew RW. (2005). Targets of microRNA regulation in the Drosophila oocyte proteome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:12023-12028.
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Gong L, Puri M, Ünlü M, Young M, Robertson K, Viswanathan S, Krishnaswamy A, Dowd SR, Minden JS. (2004). Drosophila Ventral Furrow Morphogenesis: A Proteomic Analysis. Development 131:643-656.
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Mergliano J, Minden JS. (2003). Caspase-independent cell engulfment mirrors cell death pattern in Drosophila embryos.Development 130:5779-5789.
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Robertson K, Mergliano J, Minden JS. (2003). Dissecting Drosophila embryonic brain development using photoactivated gene expression. Developmental Biology 260:124-137.
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Kernec F, Unlu M, Labeikovsky W, Minden JS, Koretsky AP. (2001) Changes in the mitochondrial proteome from mouse hearts deficient in creatine kinase. Physiological Genomics 6:117-128.
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Minden JS, Namba R, Mergliano J, Cambridge S. (2000) Photoactivated gene expression for cell fate mapping and cell manipulation. Science STKE 62:PL1.
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Namba Rand Minden JS. (1999) Fate mapping Drosophila embryonic mitotic domain 20 reveals that the larval visual system is derived from a sub-domain of a few cells. Developmental Biology 212:465-476.
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Li Q-J, Pazdera TM, Minden JS. (1999) Drosophila embryonic patter repair: how embryos responded to cyclin E-induced ectopic division. Development 126:2299-2307.
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Pazdera TM, Janardhan P, Minden JS. (1999) Patterned cell death in the epidermis of wild-type and segment-polarity mutant Drosophila embryos. Development 125:3427-3436.
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